Honors Theses from 2024
Not in My Zoning Code: Understanding the Mechanisms of Policy Diffusion of Deregulatory Zoning Reform Across U.S. Cities, Fiona F. Nash
Honors Theses from 2023
The Lie-brary of Congress: Misinformation’s Grip on the American Legislative Process, Caleb Bitting
The Art of Influence: A Study of Leverage in US-Israel Relations, Joshua Brause
InstaDAMN –The Power of Instagram’s Platform As An Instigator and Indicator For Offline Political Participation Among Young Adults, Natalie Davidson
When Welfare Bites Back: The Consequences of State Intervention on the Future Attitudes and Participation of Children, Claudia L. Miner
Who’s Laughing Now? Satire’s Effect on Negative Partisanship, Emma West
Honors Theses from 2022
The Legislative Branch Revolves Around the White House: A Copernican Understanding of the Evolving Relationship Between the President and Congress, Lukas K. Alexander
Is France Having a Populist Moment?, Emma Gilmore
“…To Represent the Needs of the Residents—Not the Needs of the Outsiders” California’s Housing Crisis and the Dilemma of Local Control, Ravi S. Joshi-Wander
The Power of One: Majority Leadership Power in the United States Senate, Andrew Taylor Ordentlich
Honors Theses from 2021
Reconstructing the Voting Rights Act: Subnational Action and Voting Rights Post-1965, Sean M. Holly
Neo-Colonial Actors?: Analyzing French NGOs in Francophone West Africa, Katharine R. Kilcoyne
Increasing Police Accountability to the Citizens it Serves: The Production of High-Quality Public Services Through Bottom-Up Governance, Esther B. Kim
Us and Them: Populism in the United States, Julia E. Pfau
Should We Pool or Should We Nationalize? A Quantitative Assessment of the Role of Sovereignty in Brexit, Alexa K. Urmaza
Honors Theses from 2020
Ground to a Halt: A Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding U.S. Government Shutdowns, Ian R. Baum
All The President’s Men? Politicization and Executive Control over the Rulemaking Process, Josh Goldberg
The Art of Sore Losing: The Effect of Outsider Candidates on the Democratic Nomination System, Cassidy Holzer
Armed Non-State Actor Power Accrual Mechanisms in Times of Apolitical National Crisis, Samantha J. Kane Jiménez
Pressure through Economics: Assessing the Effectiveness of US Policy across Shifting Geopolitical Contexts, Hailey Reed
Ending the Spanish Exception: Explaining the Rise of Vox, Ethan J. vanderWilden
Honors Theses from 2019
Electoral Dysfunction: Assessing State Electoral Laws and Turnout in Presidential Elections, Ellie S. Krossa
Honors Theses from 2018
Is It a Dragon? No, It's a Salamander. The Supreme Court's Effort to Slay the Partisan Gerrymander, Tim Harris
Where My Girls At? Gendered Approach to Waterville Community Power Structure, Meredith Foy Keenan
Emerging Care Regimes: an Analysis of the Domestic Labor Market of Shanghai, Nellie S. LaValle
Strategic Nationalism: Deciphering Chinese Strategy in the South China Sea, William Levesque
Honors Theses from 2017
Failure or Adjustment?: An Analysis of the Slowing Growth of the Chinese Economy, Kay G. DeGraw
Constructing (Hu)man Nature: A Feminist Critique of Western IR Theory, Liberal Economics and U.S. Foreign Policy, Nadia Stovicek
Honors Theses from 2016
Police Impunity in Mexico: Creating Openings for Justice in a New Democracy, Emily Boyce
A Failure to Cooperate: Why Canada, the United States, and Mexico have not Developed a Regional Energy Strategy, Timothy Dutton
Honors Theses from 2015
Inequality and Involvement: Participatory Trends in the Politics of a Rural Maine Town, Shelby O'Neill
Demographics as Destiny: Modeling Population Change and Party Strategies on the Electoral Map, 2016-2040, Sam Parker
Honors Theses from 2014
Solidifying Citizenship: Ethnonationalism, Cosmopolitanism, and Morality, Joshua Rothenberg
A New Balance: National Security and Privacy in a Post 9-11 World, Russell B. Wilson
Honors Theses from 2012
Should She Run? The Decision for Female Congressíenal Candidates, Laura . J. Maloney
Honors Theses from 2011
Economic Development Under Dominant-Party Regimes, Christopher J. Gorud
Honors Theses from 2010
The “Lunatic Fringe” -- Barry Goldwater and the Conservative Revolution of the 1960s --, Nicholas L. Bromley
Family Ties: Mainstream Environmentalists' Understanding of Radical Environmentalism in America, Zachary W. Ezor
Therapeutic Discourse and the American Public Philosophy: On American Liberalism's Troubled Relationship with Psychology, Clifford D. Vickrey
The Emerging Civil Society in China and Its Impact on Democratization, Haolu Wang
Honors Theses from 2009
Breaking the Cycle: The Rise of Contentiousness in Judicial Nominations, Patrick Morrow Boland
Avoiding the Fog of Crisis: A Protocol for the Proper Domestic Use of the Military, Brian Lynch
The Long Game: Hamas, The IRA, and the Politics of Radicalization in Palestine and Northern Ireland, Dan O'Sullivan
Honors Theses from 2008
Decisions to abrogate personal liberty: ethics of conscription in the United States, Jacqueline Shuttleworth Grady
State Political Action Committee Financing and the 2008 Presidential Election: A Detailed Look at Mitt Romney and the Commonwealth PACs, Melyn Heckelman
Honors Theses from 2007
Too Many Bad Cooks Spoiling the Broth? Effectiveness of NGOs in Addressing Child Labour in El Salvador, Ivica Petríková
Honors Theses from 2006
Catalyzing Change: Towards Accelarated and Expanded U.S.-EU-Russian Action to Reduce the Threat of Nuclear Terrorism, Jessica C. Varnum
Honors Theses from 2005
Extension of national membership: government promises, immigrant expectations and the impact on the foreign population in Germany, Justin Dubois
Honors Theses from 2004
Boundary maintenance: an examination of municipal political participation in rural Bolivia, Spencer Fenniman
Honors Theses from 2002
Honors Theses from 2001
Wolves in sheeps' clothing: Creationist manipulation of Kansas science standards, Nathan Christopher Gehlert
Investigating §527 Disclosure as an Effective Means of Exposing the Sponsors of Stealth Campaigns, Kase Jubboori
Term Limits and Women's Representation, Theresa L. Wagner
Honors Theses from 2000
Environmental effects of economic sanctions: the Cuban experience, Amanda Carucci
Anger and reconciliation: relations between the United States and India, 1953-1956, Tom Donahue
New balance of threat: East Asian alliance formation and capacity development, Ben Humphreys
Honors Theses from 1999
To bribe or not to bribe? U.S.-led attempts at nuclear compensation in Ukraine and North Korea, Jacob Berg
Democracy through drugs: the role of coca in Bolivia's democratic consolidation, Shane Hoffman
Fostering success in elite pacted transitions to democracy: comparative analysis of transition in Spain, Poland and Hungary, Melissa Maguire
Blue dogs to new dogs: the Democratic Leadership Council and party survival, Alexander Quigley
Visions of Workplace Equality in the Supreme Court's Sexual Harassment Jurisprudence, Lyndall E. Schuster
Honors Theses from 1998
The Power of the Press: A Content Analysis of Congressional Press Coverage in National, Regional, and Local Newspapers., Kendra Page Ammann
Deja vu in 1946: Reinterpreting the Origins of Containment, Jonathan Barry
Astride the black horse : the politicization of famine relief operations in the Third World, Jon Bolton
Continue with the old or start anew? An examination of Congressional election theories in the context of the 1946, 1948, 1994 and 1996 elections, Elizabeth Ivry
Determinative factors of decision making in Congress: an analysis of sub-party coalitions, Benjamin Ling
Honors Theses from 1997
Honors Theses from 1996
US Conference of Mayors: National Office Paper Recycling Project, January 1996 - May 1996, Katharine Laurence
Honors Theses from 1991
The Empire Strikes Out? A Look at the Nationalities Crisis in the Soviet Union, Catherine E. Breen
False Hopes: The United States Senate and Campaign Finance Reform 1980-1990, James Heimbach
Honors Theses from 1983
Impact of the 1980 election on ideological liberal organizations, Michael Coval
Honors Theses from 1981
Iran; Nicaragua; Cuba; An Analysis of Revolutions, Neil Moynihan
Honors Theses from 1918
Cost of war, Lewis Levine