Policies | Working Papers in Economics | Goldfarb Working Paper Series | Colby College

Policies for Working Papers in Economics

Working Papers in Economics publishes the work of members of the Colby College Faculty which is consistent with the mission of the Goldfarb Center for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement and destined for peer review in a scholarly journal. Collaborative research across disciplines (including those in departments or programs not formally affiliated with the Center) and scholarly research by faculty with students is particularly encouraged. Works in progress that have been presented at a venue designed for comment from colleagues prior to submission for publication are appropriate for the Working Paper Series. The work will remain in the Working Paper Series after publication in a professional journal. Revisions to existing working papers will be accepted. For additional information, please contact Michael.Donihue@colby.edu .


A paper may be updated or removed from public view by sending a request to the system administrator at SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR E-MAIL ADDRESS HERE. However, a citation to the original version of the paper will always remain on the site.

Author Review

OPTION 1 (author review):

Authors are asked to review PDFs created from their papers within 5 days [DEFAULT IS 5; OR REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN CHOICE] of being sent the PDF. At this stage, we're unable to make any changes beyond the rare error that occurs in PDF conversion.

OPTION 2 (no author review):

Authors do not have an opportunity to approve papers they have submitted prior to them becoming publicly available on the site; therefore, please be sure that the paper is ready for public distribution.

Rights and Permissions

Before submitting a paper to the repository, please be sure that all necessary permissions have been cleared. You retain the copyright to your paper and grant us the nonexclusive right to publish this material, meaning that you may also publish it elsewhere.

It is necessary that you agree to the terms of publishing in the repository listed in the author agreement. [INSERT LOCATION OF AGREEMENT--PDF OR ON WEB--AND PROCESS FOR AGREEING TO TERMS HERE. THE SYSTEM BY WHICH YOU HANDLE YOUR AUTHOR AGREEMENTS IS UP TO YOU.]