Working Papers in Economics | Goldfarb Working Paper Series | Colby College
The Goldfarb Center Working Paper Series is a collection of scholarly works created by faculty in departments or programs at Colby College affiliated with the Goldfarb Center for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement. The series is designed to provide a pre-publication venue for distribution of scholarly work and a home for research papers that may later appear in scholarly journals or other publications.


Submissions from 2007


Local Distributional Effects of Government Cash Transfers in Chile, Claudio A. Agostini and Philip H. Brown


Spatial Inequality in Chile, Claudio A. Agostini and Philip H. Brown

Submissions from 2006


Globalization, Agency, and Institutional Innovation: The Rise of Public-Private Partnerships in Global Governance, Liliana B. Andonova


Media Coverage and Charitable Giving After the 2004 Tsunami, Philip H. Brown and Jessica H. Minty


Religion and Subjective Well-Being Among China’s Elderly Population, Philip H. Brown and Brian Tierney


Meeting the Standards: An Analysis of Eight Grade Educational Assesment Test Scores in Maine, Michael Donihue, Joseph Mattos, Caroline Theoharides, and Charlotte Tiffany

Decomposing Consumer Wealth Effects: Evidence on the Role of Real Estate Assets Following the Wealth Cycle of 1990-2002, Michael R. Donihue and Andriy Avramenko


Candidate Quality and Voter Response in U.S. House Elections, Walter J. Stone, Nathan J. Hadley, Rolfe D. Peterson, Cherie D. Maestas, and L. Sandy Maisel

Submissions from 2005


Incumbency Reconsidered: Prospects, Strategic Entry, and Incumbent Quality in U.S. House Elections, Walter J. Stone, Sarah Fulton, Cherie D. Maestas, and L. Sandy Maisel