Date of Award


Document Type

Senior Scholars Paper (Open Access)


Colby College. Economics Dept.


Thomas H. Tietenberg

Second Advisor

Philip Brown

Third Advisor

Andreas Waldkirch


A multitude of views characterize what should or should not be done about climate change, and in the past decades, nations have acted very differently in the face of climate change. This study explores factors that affect individuals' attitudes and concerns towards the environment and how those attitudes ultimately affect climate change policy. One model investigates the link between individual attitudes and countries' actions on climate change, and the results show that attitudes indeed matter in the implementation of policy. Different measures of democracy such as freedom of the press also prove to be important as channels for these attitudes. A second model identifies a number of political, socioeconomic and demographic characteristics that matter for people's attitudes towards climate change.


climate change, individual's attiudes, climate change policy, democracy, freedom of press

Included in

Economics Commons
