The Pequod, established in 1968, is a student-run literary magazine that exhibits the creative work of Colby College’s artists and writers. It is published on a biannual basis, once each semester, and is comprised of both creative writing pieces and studio art works.
The magazine has evolved over its 50-plus year run. For instance, faculty once had a larger role both as contributors and editors. At one time, there was a period of collaboration with Mary-Low Coffeehouse that featured live readings and art exhibits. The physical shape of the magazine has changed over the years as well, in keeping with the editorial credo that “content should dictate the format and not vice versa.”
This digital collection is presented for the edification and enjoyment of the Colby College community. The content of the magazine is not intended for general public use and is not accessible outside of the Colby College network.
For more information about The Pequod see: