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The purpose of this study was to analyze the water quality of Pattee Pond and to determine the factors that influence it. The study was divided into two major portions: 1) an assessment of land use practices that influence the water quality of the pond, and 2) an assessment of actual water quality of the pond and its tributaries. The investigation of the land use practices in the Pattee Pond watershed focused on determining the extent to which humans influence the water quality of the lake. Water from Pattee Pond and its tributaries was sampled and analyzed in the second portion of our study. The results were compared to previous studies of the lake.

An important goal of our study is to provide information that will enable the residents of Pattee Pond and its watershed to increase understanding of the lake’s dynamics and thus improve the lake’s water quality. Recommendations will be made, based on the evidence found in our study, to help improve and protect the water quality of Pattee Pond. It is our hope that the residents of Pattee Pond and its watershed will take notice of the suggestions we make and thus take an active role in protecting the lake and its surroundings.


Publication Date: Spring 1993

Date of Study: Fall 1992



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