"Land Use Patterns in Relation to Lake Water Quality in the Long Pond, " by Problems in Environmental Science course (Biology 493), Colby College and Colby Environmental Assessment Team, Colby College

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Long Pond has been used recreationally over time for boating, fishing and swimming. Additional uses include drinking water and various types of waste disposal. In past winters, sawdust from lumber mills has been placed on the ice that covers the north basin of Long Pond (Ed Mayer pers. comm.). This may raise total phosphorus levels at depth and could lead to problems in the future. Activities which raise organic sediments input into the lake should be avoided.

A major purpose of our study was to analyze the present water quality of Long Pond, North Basin, including the biotic and abiotic parameters which influence it. Other major components of the study included: 1) assessment of the potential for nutrient loading from tributaries and runoff from roads, residential, and other structures or activities, 2) determination of the influence of current and past land use patterns upon the lake water quality, 3) construction of flushing rates and water budgets for Long Pond, North Basin so as to determine residence time - this is an important step in constructing a phosphorus loading model, 4) make future projections concerning phosphorus and nutrient levels of Long Pond, North Basin - these will be based upon possible future development and land use patterns, and 5) make a list of suggestions for the Belgrade Lake Association, MDEP, and the towns of Belgrade, Rome, and Vienna for ways to reduce or halt unnatural eutrophication processes.


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Publication Date: Spring 1995

Date of Study: Fall 1994

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