Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Thesis (Open Access)


Colby College. Global Studies Program


Patrice M. Franko

Second Advisor

Ben Fallaw

Third Advisor

Travis Reynolds


This thesis examines the influence and limitations of the use of social media by the Paraguayan female food sovereignty movement. Considering the Paraguayan campesino context of censorship and marginalization, it analyzes social media’s role as an alternative news source, a space for self-expression, and a vehicle for interactive engagement, outreach, and resistance. It focuses specifically on the experiences within CONAMURI, a Paraguayan women’s food sovereignty network. The study sheds light on the CONAMURI female campesino context, giving voice to the personal experiences, challenges, aspirations, and activities that make up everyday organizational resistance and motivate social media mobilization. Overall, this thesis explains CONAMURI social media aims, efforts, impact and potential to facilitate change. It argues that social media tools act as a complementary social movement outlet, creating a new channel for internal interaction, linkage formation, external outreach, visibility, and expression in organized resistance. Despite the large role that social media play, excessive dependence on these efforts is dangerous in the long run. In order to promote the sustainability, inclusivity, visibility, and strength of the Paraguayan food sovereignty movement, CONAMURI recognizes the need to preserve a balanced approach, coupling social media efforts with various other tactics, especially face-to-face interaction.


Food Sovereignty; Paraguay; Campesino; Women's Rights; Social Movements; Social Media

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