Author (Your Name)

Michelle Tadros, Colby College

Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Thesis (Open Access)


Colby College. Global Studies Program


Guilain Denoeux


This is a study on the politics of privatization in Egypt Privatization is a current topic of interest because several countries in Latin America and in the Far 'East have successfully privati2ed their economies and entered into the world market system. This may have implications on the future competition industrialized nations face from the growing economies of the developing world. Moreover. the political and structural obstacles that LDCs face in attempting to liberalize their economies could lead to drastic changes in the political arrangements of these nations. For example, the turmoil in the Mexican government which has been in the news recently is due largely to Mexico's economic liberalization and privatization. Therefore, it is important to study privatization and its effects on a nation because it pertains to the current crises taking place in several nations in all regions of the world.


politics, privatization, Egypt
