Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Thesis (Open Access)


Colby College. Global Studies Program


Nadia El-Shaarawi

Second Advisor

Jennifer Yoder


In this thesis, I examine the role of private sponsorship mechanisms in the resettlement of refugees in Canada. Private sponsorship allows citizens and organizations to do more to help those who need assistance, though there are positives and negatives to this program and concerns about its long-term stability. My thesis discusses the impacts of these resettlement mechanisms as a whole, based on a review of prior scholarship and interviews conducted in Montreal and Toronto. I focus on the refugee experience before arrival and the role of different application processes and culture in Quebec. After arrival, the paper examines economic and social integration in host countries as refugees develop a sense of belonging in their host communities. I find that more direct assistance does prove important in ensuring positive integration experiences. However, this is something that is enhanced by characteristics that lead to faster integration which are more prevalent amongst privately sponsored refugees.


Refugees, Canada, Sponsorship, Resettlement, Integration, Policy
