H2O2/iron/UV catalyzed degradation of the herbicide 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid

Chaz Langelier

Document Type Honors Thesis (Open Access)


A quantitative study of the photochemistry of 2,4-D degradation was performed by illuminating a solution containing herbicide, Fe(III) and H?0? with a high-intensity UV light source. An examination of reaction chemistry suggested that oxalate generated from initial 2,4-D decay significantly enhanced the degradation of remaining herbicide in solution. Under experimental reaction conditions, oxalate complexes readily with Fe(III) to form FeOx' . The absorption of UV light by FeOx' in solution results in a large increase in OH production which consequently increases the rate of herbicide decay. A computational model of our reaction system was generated using Stella modeling software.