Volume 104, Issue 2
Fall/Winter 2015-16
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Front Matter
Logging on to the Future: Opportunities beckon for First Graduates of Colby's interdisciplinary Computation Majors
Jenny Chen, '12
The Memory Professor: With a $600,000 grant, Jennifer Coane continues to probe what we remember and why
Jenny Chen, '12
Patrolling the New Sociology: Neil Gross brings the timely and topical to a venerable Department
Gerry Boyle, '78
Standing Up To Gender Violence: Soccer Coach Ewan Seabrook offers Skills, from Colby to the NBA
Abukar Adan, '17
New Clues to a Mass Extinction: Colby Geologist Robert Gastaldo and Student Researchers unearth Evidence that contradicts prevailing Models about ancient Die-offs
Stephen Collins, '74
From the Editor (Editor's Note)
Gerry Boyle, '78
From the President
David Greene
Exclusively Online
Border Issues Demand Empathy: Speakers at Colby's Walker Symposium consider ways to consider La Frontera
Charlie Eichacker, '08
Coach Kelley and the Kelley Coach: Legendary Hockey Coach Jack Kelley drops Puck, Mules shut out Bowdoin
Stephen Collins, '74