Event Title
The Role of French Cultural Exception in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Diamond 243
Start Date
1-5-2014 9:00 AM
End Date
1-5-2014 10:00 AM
Project Type
Presentation- Restricted to Campus Access
This presentation will address the impact of Frances notion of exception culturelle on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a trade agreement currently being negotiated between Europe and the United States. We have seen the issue of cultural exception play out before: in the 1970s in Quebec, and in the 1990s during the GATT talks and Frances implementation of quotas. Looking back at these cases can provide relevant knowledge in assessing the role of the contemporary topic of cultural exception in the current trade negotiations. However, the 21st century has provided new elements that make this situation one of a kind. This presentation will thus provide current examples of Frances cultural exception as specific attempts to resist American influence are playing out in everyday life. Examining the background of Frances cultural exception by addressing the history and role of the Minister of Culture in France and Frances long tradition of public spending on culture will provide key insights into the current issue of cultural exception and how it impacts the progress of the TTIP talks. In addition, the role of the European Union in arbitrating this debate will also be addressed. This presentation will be conducted in French.
Faculty Sponsor
Benedicte Mauguiere
Sponsoring Department
Colby College. French and Italian Dept.
CLAS Field of Study
Event Website
The Role of French Cultural Exception in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Diamond 243
This presentation will address the impact of Frances notion of exception culturelle on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a trade agreement currently being negotiated between Europe and the United States. We have seen the issue of cultural exception play out before: in the 1970s in Quebec, and in the 1990s during the GATT talks and Frances implementation of quotas. Looking back at these cases can provide relevant knowledge in assessing the role of the contemporary topic of cultural exception in the current trade negotiations. However, the 21st century has provided new elements that make this situation one of a kind. This presentation will thus provide current examples of Frances cultural exception as specific attempts to resist American influence are playing out in everyday life. Examining the background of Frances cultural exception by addressing the history and role of the Minister of Culture in France and Frances long tradition of public spending on culture will provide key insights into the current issue of cultural exception and how it impacts the progress of the TTIP talks. In addition, the role of the European Union in arbitrating this debate will also be addressed. This presentation will be conducted in French.