Event Title
The Sociology of Good Will Hunting
Parker-Reed, SSWAC
Start Date
1-5-2014 2:00 PM
End Date
1-5-2014 3:00 PM
Project Type
Poster- Restricted to Campus Access
Applying Pierre Bourdieus framework of social, cultural, and human capital it can be determined how the amount of access to these forms of capitals will influence the ease of social mobility for individuals.
Faculty Sponsor
Cheryl Townsend Gilkes
Sponsoring Department
Colby College. Sociology Dept.
CLAS Field of Study
Social Sciences
Event Website
The Sociology of Good Will Hunting
Parker-Reed, SSWAC
Applying Pierre Bourdieus framework of social, cultural, and human capital it can be determined how the amount of access to these forms of capitals will influence the ease of social mobility for individuals.