Volume 104, Issue 3
Spring 2016
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Front Matter
From Trump to Pope and Back Again
Aaron R. Hanlon
A Friend in Deed
Laura Meader
Judging a Book: For Megan Cook the Value of a Volume is more than the Words on the Page
Gerry Boyle, '78
Turning Assumptions Upside Down
Gerry Boyle, '78
A Posse Comes East: Houstonians Share Tight Bond and a New World
Christina Dong, '17
Court Musician: Four-year Starter Sam Willson is Composed on the Basketball Court - and at the Keyboard
Charles Eichacker, '08
From Cuba with Love
Jenny Chen, '12
A Cosmic Connection: For anthropologist Catherine Besteman, reunion with Somali Bantu in Maine was life changing.
Gerry Boyle, '78
Can We Talk? On College Campuses - Including Mayflower Hill - Free Speech Collides with Political Correctness
Kate Carlisle
Sweating the Small Stuff: Linking Plankton to Climate Change, Brian Kim '18 Makes Conncetions
Stephen Collins, '74
From the Editor (Editor's Note)
Gerry Boyle, '78
From the President
David Greene
Allecia Reid
Exclusively Online
Redefining "Manly" with Eric Barthold '12
Laura Meader
The Rest of the Story: A Nepalese Village remind that there often is a different Reality behind the romantic Narrative
Abukar Adan, '17
Back Matter
First Person
Mary Schwalm, '99