"Police Stations and Cell Towers" by Iain Kurry

Abstract or Description

This map shows the police stations and cell towers of Maine with regard to the highways and populated areas. Highways are shown as red lines. Police stations are represented by blue shields and cell towers as yellow triangles. This map also shows census blocks color coded by population density. The ranges for colors appear as a very light grey for any block with less than 20 people in it, and then as the population increases, the fill color gets darker. County data does not show up as counties because it was clipped to make up the state of Maine as a background.

This map is projected using the NAD 1983 UTM Zone 19N coordinate system which is a Transverse Mercator projection. Cell towers, police stations, highways, census blocks and county data all came from the Maine Office of GIS.

About the Author

Colby College Class of 2019. I grew up in Falmouth Maine, and my family has lived throughout Maine for generations.

Source Data Note

Maine Office of GIS


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