"Libraries in Maine" by Ruofei Jia

Abstract or Description

This map shows the distribution of libraries in the state of Maine in relation to schools. The distribution of schools was shown by creating multi-rings buffers. Cities also show strong correlation with the distribution of libraries. From the map one can locate potential locations for new libraries, where schools exist but libraries haven’t been built. Data of schools and libraries are downloaded from the Maine Office of GIS. The map is projected in NAD 1983 UTM Zone 19N.

About the Author

Ruofei Jia’ 19 is a student in Colby College majoring in Geoscience and minoring in Music. Born and raised in Beijing, she loves to explore the beauty and power of sustainable cities. She was one of the leaders of the volunteer group Lives of Purpose, and participates actively in classical vocal performances.

Source Data Note

Data of schools and libraries are downloaded from the Maine Office of GIS.


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