"Bird Habitat and Nesting on Mount Desert Island" by Hannah Kwasman

Abstract or Description

This map shows the critical habitat and nesting sites of important bird species in Maine. Although Acadia National Park is a protected zone, many of the key locations are not located within the park itself. Even for the few areas within the park, these sites see human traffic via hiking trails. The Human Development Intensity is based on a Maine Office of GIS dataset that indexes these values. The map is projected using the NAD83, Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 19N coordinate system.

About the Author

Hannah is a junior at Colby College from Spokane, WA. She is majoring in Environmental Policy and is a research assistant and teaching assistant for the Environmental Studies program at Colby. Some of her interests include hiking, canoeing, skiing, and SCUBA diving.

Source Data Note

I got my data from the Maine Office of GIS.


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