"Quality of Life by County" by Brian Sommers

Abstract or Description

This map represents quality of life in Maine by looking at six data points for each county: education (percentage of residents with at least a bachelor’s degree), median household income, unemployment rate, disability rate, life expectancy and obesity. Each value is weighted and formulated together to give the county a value. Each county’s relative rank in these categories is compared to create an overall ranking among the 16 counties in Maine.

About the Author

Brian Sommers is an environmental science major at Colby College and member of the track and field team. He was born and raised in Acton, Massachusetts where he attended Acton-Boxborough Regional High School.

Source Data Note

I collected data from health equity pages on maine.gov, and from healthdata.org reports on all of the Maine counties. I also collected data from the Maine Office of GIS.


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