Abstract or Description
According to the Health Resources and Services Administration Shortage Designation Branch of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Medically Underserved Areas may be a whole county or a group of contiguous counties, a group of county or civil divisions, or a group of urban census tracts in which residents have a shortage of personal health services. Medically Underserved Populations may include groups of persons who face economic, cultural, or linguistic barriers to health care. These federal designations are supplemented by state designations which cover areas or populations that do not meet federal designation criteria. The Health Resources and Services Administration Shortage Branch also designates Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs, not shown on this map) in the categories of primary care, mental and dental health.
Source Data Note
Medically Underserved Areas and Populations data are available from Maine Office of GIS (http://megis.maine.gov) and were compiled by the Maine Office of Rural Health and Primary Care in 2008. Data for counties also from the Maine Office of GIS. Roads and Cities data are from ESRI Inc. 9.3. North American Datum 1983, Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 19 coordinate system.
Recommended Citation
Lafleur, Hannah ('11) "Medically Underserved Areas and Populations in Maine 2008," Atlas of Maine: Vol. 2009: No. 1, Article 9.Available at: https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/atlas_docs/vol2009/iss1/9