"Farm Size and Lymphoma Cancer in Maine" by Aurore Anastassiadis ('11)

Abstract or Description

Lymphoma is a general term for a group of cancers that originate in the lymphatic system. The lymphomas are divided into two major categories: Hodgkin lymphoma and all other lymphomas, called non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), which is displayed on this map. The annual incidence of NHL in Maine has nearly doubled over the last 50 years. Although the reasons for this increase are not certain, it has been established that pesticides are a known risk factor.

Source Data Note

Farm data from North American Environmental Atlas (http://nationalatlas.gov/mld/agcensp.html), lymphoma data from National Cancer Institute (http://dceg.cancer.gov/cgi-bin/atlas/avail-data?site=nhl), rivers and streams data from Maine Office of GIS (http://megis.maine.gov/).


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