"Sources of Drinking Water and Agricultural Chemical Use in Maine" by Jordan Schoonover ('10)

Abstract or Description

This map shows the location of aquifers and public water supply wells in Maine. The location of cultivated lands is shown in green, while the percentage of cropland in each county that is treated with chemical fertilizers is represented by the gray shading of the county. All data are from the Maine Office of GIS, with the exception of the agricultural chemical data which was adapted from the USDA 2007 Agricultural Census.

Source Data Note

The following layers were obtained from the Maine Office of GIS (http://megis.maine.gov/catalog/): Cnty24 – counties, Aquifer Polygons – aquifers, Gomlc7 – land cover, Wells – public water supply wells. All categories in the land cover layer except for ‘cultivated land’ were removed. The counties layer was joined with a table showing the percentages of cropland in each county that were treated by fertilizer. These data were adapted from a map on the same topic created by the US Department of Agriculture for their 2007 Agricultural Census (http://www.agcensus.usda.gov/Publications/2007/ Online_Highlights/Ag_Atlas_Maps/Farms/ Agricultural_Chemicals_Used/07-M104.asp).


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