"State Senate Environmental Performance 2007-2009" by Gordon Padelford ('11)

Abstract or Description

This map portrays the level of support given by senators to environmental issues in the State Legislature during the 2007-2008 legislative session. The score was calculated as the percentage of six environmental priority bills the senators supported or opposed during the 2007-2008 legislative session: 1) An Act To Protect Children's Health and the Environment from Toxic Chemicals in Toys and Children's Products (LD 2048), 2) An Act To Amend Motor Vehicle Laws, about Loon license plates (LD 2075), 3) An Act To Establish a Uniform Building and Energy Code (LD 2257), 4) An Act To Protect Pregnant Women and Children from Toxic Chemicals Released into the Home (LD1658), 5) An Act To Authorize [an environmental resource] Bond Issues for Ratification by the Voters for the June November 2007 Elections (LD 1796), and 6) An Act to Establish the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Act of 2007 (LD 1851).

Source Data Note

The environmental voting scorecard was produced by the Maine League of Conservation Voters and is available on their Website (www.mlcv.org). Supporting data such as the district boundaries comes from the Maine Office of GIS (http://megis.maine.gov/). An outline on New Hampshire originates from NH GRANIT(http://www.granit.unh.edu/). Other information such as the urban areas, major cities layer, major highways, and Canada come from ESRI packaged census data. North American Datum 1983, Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 19N.


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