"Rabies in Maine: 1998-2008" by Kaggie Orrick ('10)

Abstract or Description

This map shows the number, location and type of animals found with rabies by county in Maine for the entire decade. It displays the top four species found with rabies: raccoons, skunks, bats and foxes. These four account for 96% of positive cases in Maine. Rabies is a fatal disease of the central nervous system. It is deadly but uncommon in humans in the US. However, animals, especially wildlife, are very susceptible to carrying the disease. Tests are conducted every year by the Maine Department of Health and Human Services to ensure that rabies is not rapidly spreading since it is easily passed by fluids or tissues touching broken skin or mucous membranes. In the past ten years, the DHHS found 1,236 positive cases of rabies in Maine.

Source Data Note

The projection of the map is Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 19N North American Datum 1983. Data source for this map can be found through the website of Maine Office of GIS (http://megis.maine.gov). The rabies data was originally collected from the Office of the Department of Health and Human Services, from their Health and Environmental Testing Laboratory Web page (http://www.maine.gov/dhhs/etl/rabies/rabies.htm). The Inset map data was from the ESRI Data CD.


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