Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Thesis (Open Access)


Colby College. Global Studies Program


Ben W. Fallaw

Second Advisor

Jeff Anderson


The Ecuadorian indigenous movement has emerged in the last decade as the most important social and political movement in the country. The driving organizations behind the movement, CONAIE (Confederadon de Nacionalidades Indigenas del Ecuador), a social organization. and Pachakutik Movimiento Pluri-Nacional (Pluri-national movement), a political organization, have taken different approaches to fortifying indigenous identities, challenging the policies of the Ecuadorian government, and uprooting the subtle but persistent racist ideologies that have been discriminatory and exclusionary for over 500 years. I argue that Pachakutik's involvement within the political system has a greater chance of effecting long-term change for indigenous peoples in Ecuador than the social movement that remains separate from the state's political system.


Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador, Indigenous peoples, Government relations, Ecuador, Pachakutik, Indigenous Movement

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