
Abstract or Description

A recent study by the nonprofit organization Climate Central found that over 3.7 million Americans live within 1 meter of the high tide mark along coastlines (Strauss, et al., 2012). The same study warned of the implications of rising sea levels, and how the increase predicted by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) could have drastic effects on many Americans. This projected aimed to model the range of potential sea level rise from the best to worst case scenario (0-6 meters) (IPCC, 2007).

This project aimed to determine if higher value properties along the coast are disproportionally affected by catastrophic sea level rise, using the Town of Barnstable, MA as a case study.

About the Author

Matt LaPine is a member of the Colby College class of 2013 and an Environmental Studies major focusing on Marine Science. Hailing from Cape Cod, Matt has loves to fish, boat, swim, and spend time in and around the ocean.


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