
Abstract or Description

Lynx (Lynx Canadensis) potential habitat is merged with Maine’s conserved lands to visually display conserved lands within lynx range. Lynx potential habitat, accessed at geo.data.gov, was predicted through analysis of habitat, range limits, and sightings (Krohn et al. 1998).

About the Author

Sylvia Doyle (’12) is majoring in Environmental Studies: Science concentration, with a focus in Conservation Biology. She is also a Religious Studies minor. At Colby, she was a member of the Women’s Cross Country, Indoor, and Outdoor Track teams.

Source Data Note

Maine conserved lands, county boundaries, and hillshade layers were accessed through the Maine Office of G.I.S. and the state and basemap layers through E.S.R.I. ’10.

NAD 1983 UTM Zone 19 N

Transverse Mercator Projection


In Copyright

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Original Scale with Layers



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