
Abstract or Description

According to the IPCC 2001 Climate Change Working Group, sea-level rise equivalent to all the ice on earth melting would be 69.31 meters. A large change in global temperatures would have dramatic impact on areas including Downeast Maine. This map shows the regions of Downeast Maine that would be flooded if sea levels rose 15, 25, or 35 meters. A 35 meter sea level rise would occur if 50% of polar ice melted.

About the Author

Jillian is a double major in environmental studies with a science concentration and Biology with an environmental science concentration. She also minors in German.

Source Data Note

Data from Maine Office of GIS and ESRI 93 and projected in NAD83, UTM Zone 19 N


In Copyright

PotentialSeaLevelRiseDowneastBlouin2011.pdf (38529 kB)
Original Scale with Layers



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