Abstract or Description
Variable leaf milfoil, Myriophyllum heterophyllum, has been present in Maine since 1970. We created an analysis area including seventeen infestation sites and all bodies of water within a forty mile buffer. We also eliminated all water locations with a size less than 7,101 km2, the size of the smallest infestation site, Shagg Pond. Within those specifications we randomly selected seventeen un-infested bodies of water and used them as our uncontaminated sample. We looked for relationships between presence and number of boat launches, and proximity to a populated area. Using the Mann-Whitney test, we compared the sample size of non-infested lakes to the infested lakes. We found there was no significant difference in all three variables on the infestation of variable leaf milfoil.
Recommended Citation
Lynch, Brian ('09) and Orrick, Kaggie ('10) "Invasive Aquatic Invasion: The Spread of Variable Leaf Milfoil in Maine," Atlas of Maine: Vol. 2009: No. 2, Article 5.Available at: https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/atlas_docs/vol2009/iss2/5