"Colby Alumnus Vol. 50, No. 3: Spring 1961" by Colby College


Colby College

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President Strider Reports on the January Plan

Change in an American College, By Courtney Smith
Despite the affinity of successive presidents there are bound to be differences in values which will be felt in changes of emphasis whenever there is a change in the presidency of a college. In this address, delivered October 11, 1960, at the inauguration of President Strider, the President of Swarthmore College examines how these changes come about.

Money is Not All
By Ernest C. Marriner, 1913, College Historian

Colby Folk in the Headlines

150 Honorable Years
By Joseph Coburn Smith, 1924

Inscribed First Editions Enrich Collection of Maine Authors
From Mrs. Kenneth Roberts

A Rich Symposium
Dean Richard C. Gilman of Carleton College reviews the latest book from the Colby College Press. He was a member of the faculty in philosophy at Colby at the time the Ingraham Lectures, with which the volume is concerned, were established. Dean Gilman taught at Colby from 1950–56, resigning to become executive director of the National Council on Religion in Higher Education.

The College Scene
Baseball Team Sweeps Double-headers for Championship
News of Classmates
In Memoriam



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