"Colby Alumnus Vol. 11, No. 3: May 1922" by Colby College


Colby College

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The Call!
Ethics of Debate
The Loyalty of the Alumnae
Eligibility Rules at Colby
Anent Debating Again
The Passing of Mr. Gibbs


Program of the One Hundred and First Commencement, By the General Committee
April Meeting of the Board of Trustees, By Edwin C. Whittemore, DD. '79 Secretary
Gifts to the Library, By Charles P. Chipman, B.A. '06
The Second Century Fund, By Arthur J. Roberts, LL.D. '90, President
Colby's Cross-Country Debate Trip, By Herbert C. Libby, Litt.D. '02
A Bit of Sacramento Valley of California, By William B. Smith, B.A. '17

Some Colby Gatherings:
New York Colby Alumni Dinner, By Ernest H. Cole, B.A. '12, Secretary
Meeting of Alumni Council, By Prince A. Drummond, B.A. '15, Secretary
Boston Colby Alumni Dinner, By One-Who-Was-There
Atlantic States Colby Club, By Frederick F. Sully '16, Secretary
Western Maine Colby Alumnae Association, By the Secretary
Boston Alumnae Association, By the Secretary
South Kennebec Alumnae Association, By the Secretary
Waterville Alumnae Association, By the Secretary

A Page or Two of Verse:
To William Penn Whitehouse, LL.D. '63, By Mary P. Ames
We Greet Thee, By Louis W. West '16
To R. A. G., By Frederick G. Fasset, Jr. '23 (Reprint from The Torch)
A Memorial Elegy, By Edward J. Colcord, Litt.D. '75

Next Move in Alumnae Campaign, By Rose Adelle Gilpatrick, M.A. '92
A Letter from Vienna, By Lester C. Miller '93
Some Editorial Comments on the Debate Trip, By the Editor
In Memoriam
Conference of Deans and Advisers of Women, By Nettie May Runnals, M.A. '08, Dean
Memorial Tribute to Emery B. Gibbs. '88, By Woodman Bradbury, D.D. '87
Judge Putnam '77, Lectures at William and Mary College, By the Editor
Concerning the Late Clarence P. Weston '73, Contributed
A Colby Woman and Her Work
Governor Baxter Compliments Debaters and Colby, By the Editor
With the Colby Faculty
Commencement Guests for 1922
News Notes About the Graduates



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