Volume 105, Issue 2
Winter/Spring 2017
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Front Matter
Jump Start: Colby-Led Collaboration is Revitalizing Waterville's Main Street and Shaping the City and the College for the Future
Gerry Boyle, '78
Snap, Crackle, Crunch: For this team of food visionaries, insects are the key to feeding the world
Susan Abram
Anything but INVISIBLE: Oak Fellow Khalid Albaih marvels at supportive Colby while opening eyes to global suppression
Gerry Boyle, '78
You Can Go Home Again: Joseph Whitfield helps students at his middle-school alma mater find success
Eric Butterman
For the Children: Kids in Maine may have healthier lives thanks in part to Celeste Murtha '17
Christina Dong, '17
Book Smarts: In a digital age, professors work to save an ancient craft and integrate it into the curriculum
Laura Meader
Deal Maker: Robyn Glaser '89 makes it happen for The Kraft Group and New England Patriots
Gerry Boyle, '78
Rewriting History - with Alan Taylor '77
Kate Carlisle
Girl Power: Professor Lyn Mikel Brown on her new book, activism, and "the power of the immediate"
Mareisa Weil
Science Phobic?: Professor Frank Fekete can fix that - and, perhaps, some global problems
Abukar Adan, '17
Collaboration: Professor and former protégé are finding answers to nature's questions
Gerry Boyle, '78
From the President
David A. Greene
James Siodla