
Abstract or Description

This map depicts the various health service centers, including Red Cross service stations, hospitals, and EMS centers within Hancock and Washington Counties. Emergency roads, as well as other major roads in Maine's transportation network, are displayed in order to show access to the health service centers.

About the Author

Jillian is a double major in environmental studies with a policy concentration and international studies.

Source Data Note

All data was retrieved from the Maine Office of GIS and ESRI.

Coordinate system NAD 193 UTM Zone 19N

Layers from MEGIS include:

e911rds layer: vector digital data, 1:24,000 scale, originated by: Maine Public Utilities Commission (MEPUC), Maine Emergency Services Communications Bureau (ESCB), Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems (MEGIS) rescue layer: vector digital data, originated by Techni Graphic Systems, Inc., Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems

hospital layer: vector digital data, 1:24,000 scale, originated by Techni Graphic


In Copyright

HealthServicesDowneastHowell2011.pdf (3702 kB)
Original Scale with Layers



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