


On Campus: Care Package: Janice Kassman immersed in students' triumphs and tragedies; National Tour of New England Antiquities Begins at Colby; Wit & Wisdom; Colby Joins Defense of Affirmative Action; Q&A: Dale Debois sees Mayflower Hill as a horticultural canvas

Faculty: Step by Step: Tina Wentzel has choreographed 30 years of growth for Colby dancers; Three Granted Tenure; What Professors Are Doing on Sabbatical

Students: Life Changing: For Osman Haneef, Jan Plan in Pakistan could open classroom doors; Diversity Conference Bridges Gap; Harassment, Invisibility Concerns for Queer Task Force

Media: At Our Own Risk: Paul Josephson warns of consequences of "conquering" nature (Review); Recent Releases; Sadoff Turns His Eye to Our World (Review)

Sports: Twin Triumphs: Ski racers Jennifer and Abigail Lathrop carve their place in Colby sports; Walsh on Honor Roll; Sports Shorts; Colby All Americans 2002-03

Alumni: Reaching Out: Alumni abroad could be part of Maine's economic revitalization; Columbia Astronaut Connected with Mayflower Hill; Letters (continued from Dispatches)

Development: Weathering the Storm: In depressed market, Colby's fiscal prudence eases pressure


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