


The Liberal Art of Giving
William D. Adams, President

Colby to the Corps: Colby tops list for Peace Corps volunteers per capita

'Nijikai to follow'

Gourley's Collected Works: Colby's retiring museum director praised for his legacy

WMHB's New Wave

wit & wisdom

The Tooth, the Whole Tooth and Nothing But...

Q&A: Bets Brown on carrying a torch for the Olympics and science

Raising Hardy Girls: Lyn Mikel Brown and Karen Heck '74 create spaces where girls can thrive

How We Teach

No Time to Wait: Student activists press for change- now

Jan Plan Goes South

Internship Fund is the Jan Plan Ticket

Arapaho Dislodged: Anthropologist Jeffrey Anderson finds tribal culture squelched by modern life

Maisel Examines Jews' Political Role

Recent Releases
The Shipping News
Out Cold, Screenplay by Jon Zack '93
The Urban Knitter, by Lily M. Chin
Yours Faithfully, Bertrand Russell: A Lifelong Fight for Peace, Justice, and the Truth in Letters to the Editor, Ray Perkins Jr. '64, editor
CNBC Guide to Money & Markets, by Jeff Wuorio '79
Cultural and Critical Perspectives on Human Development, Martin J. Packer and Mark B. Tappan (education and human development), editors

All Heart: Andy Colligan '94, former Colby athlete, died surrounded by people he loved, which was just about everybody

A Vaulted Record

First 'First' in Skiing

Sports Shorts

East Asian Priorities: Freeman Foundation grant takes long-standing strength to new level

Don't Take It for Granted


In Copyright
