


Options for Adams: Planning committee drafts comprehensive report as basis for strategic planning

Brody Judicial Award Established

Taking Stock

Adams Inauguration Set

wit & wisdom

Shirley Swipes Again

Perfect Pitch: Colby musicians excel in and out of the performance hall

Angling for Answers

A Fulbright and a Goldwater

To: admissions@colby.edu
From: jonnybamboo

How We Teach

If You Hate Shakespeare, Have We Got a Play For You

Breathing Life into Music: Eric Thomas finds harmony and inspiration in teaching and performing

Citizen Wayne and the French Guy

Q&A: Professor James Finney Boylan on writing, teaching and bowling with Billy

La Esperanza
For my Father

Smithsonian Collection at Colby

Huey and the Mountain: James 'Huey' Coleman '70 scripts a career in independent film

Making Movies, No Matter What

Real Time an Acoustic Delight

Recent Releases:
The Papers of Martin Luther King Jr. Volume IV: Symbol of the Movement, co-edited by Adrienne Clay '97
The Puzzle of Latin American Economic Development, by Patrice Franko (economics and international studies)
Turning Toward Philosophy: Literary Device and Dramatic Structure in Plato's Dialogues, by Jill Gordon (philosophy)
The Everything Get-A-Job Book, by Steven Graber '90
Visions of Voices: An anthology of poetry by genre, edited by Mark Shovan '67

Nitro on the Diamond: Colby softball coach Dick Bailey is dedicated to his team and winning

A Colby Tryout: Sports Camps Introduce Kids to the College

Sports Shorts

Championship Bid Blocked by Camels

All-American Power, All-American Stride

Rugby Fourth in Nation

Lookout for Whit: Basketball alumni lead the way as project gives coach courtside view

Art in the Making

From Colby to Colonel: Waterville's first Civil War volunteer led company of Maine college students

Alumni Club Circuit


In Copyright
